6 Months On....New Baby, New House, New Life!

Hi Guys,

Thank you to everyone that has supported me over the last 6 months after what feels like a whirlwind has blown me from one corner of the universe to the other and 6 months on I feel I'm back to myself the Yorkshire Pud I knew so well but she went missing. I'm not going to dwell on the sad things that have happened to us but only look forward and begin our new life. So what lovely things have happened?.....

Well this little beauty arrived on the 30th of May 2016 weighing 7lb however my labour was quick 2 hours 40mins to be precise but little Arthur had done a poop inside of me and had to be in intensive care for his first 3 days as he'd swallowed loads and caused some damage however the little sprite is on it now and is a wonderful addition to our family! Here he is....Meet Arthur.

After living at my mums house with 2 babies for 3 months on the 1st of July we moved into our lovely new home a vintage looking terrace house just across the road from my mum's house its beautiful and everything we need in order to build our foundations together. There will be pictures of our lovely home up on the blog soon as I create and build.

I've finally found me!..And by that I mean the toll that the last year has put on me I have actually learnt to embrace who I am! I'm a 35 year old Disney Princess who loves fairies, unicorns and all things magical and did you know I still believe in Father Christmas?! I'm so much more confident in my likes and dislikes and appearance and have learnt to let go of what makes me unhappy. I have a new life and new outlook and nobody or nothing is going to change that now. So get ready to see more positive from the old Yorkshire Pud!


Yorkshire Pud xx
