So in my last post I spoke about Fight or Flight and how when things got
tough with me and Mr Pud I decided to chose the option of Flight and move to my
mum and step dads house for a few days to calm down. I’ve heard the term loads
but never really looked into it before or what it actually means properly so I’ve
done a bit of swatting on Google (So all this is pieced together of what I feel
is understandable for one and close to home for two) and also I felt I should
actually try and find out what we can do to overcome it as it can really mess
with generally everything!!
What is fight or flight
This is the
body’s response to perceived threat or danger. During this reaction, certain
hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate,
slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing
various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy
and strength. Originally named for its ability to enable us to physically fight
or run away when faced with danger, it’s now activated in situations where
neither response is appropriate, like in traffic or during a stressful day at
work. When the perceived threat is gone, systems are designed to return to
normal function via the relaxation response, but in our times of chronic
stress, this often doesn’t happen enough, causing damage to the body. After the
threat is gone, it takes between 20 to 60 minutes for the body to return to its
pre-arousal levels.
When you are
in a stressful or dangerous situation and experience fear and anxiety, your
body goes through a number of changes:
Your heart rate may increase.
Your vision may narrow (sometimes called ‘tunnel
You may notice that your muscles become tense.
You may begin to sweat.
What do you
feel in your body when you feel anxious? Usually, you may notice a rapid
heartbeat, shallow, rapid breathing and tense muscles. These physical reactions
are the result of the ‘fight or flight’ response system. The person's body is
getting ready to do one of two things:
Confront the threat and deal with it, or – FIGHT!
Get as far away from the threat as quickly as
possible – FLIGHT!
This fight
or flight response is appropriate and can actually be life-saving when there is
an actual and imminent physical threat. For example, when the driver in front
of you suddenly slams on the brakes, you need to react quickly (and without a
lot of thought) in order to prevent an accident.
some people have an early warning system that's a little too sensitive. For
these people, the fight or flight responses are triggered by events that would
be ignored by many others. This could be caused by a number of things…
An inherited imbalance in brain hormones, as in
anxiety and bipolar disorders
A history of verbal or physical abuse in childhood
Other post-traumatic stress disorders
How can we deal with
the Fight or Flight response?
So what can
we do? How do we discharge all that energy when we realise there really is no
danger? After all, the fight or flight reaction is an involuntary physical
response to a situation. It might not be possible to issue a mental note to our
adrenal glands to tell them to stop producing adrenalin.
Find a place where it's quiet.
Sit in a straight back chair with both feet on the
floor or lie on the floor with a straight spine.
Begin inhaling by expanding the abdomen (let it
inflate like a balloon), then move the breath into your rib cage and, finally,
all the way into your upper chest.
Exhale by reversing this action; begin at your
collarbones and exhale down through your rib cage and into your abdomen.
Contract your abdominal muscles as you finish exhaling.
You might find it helpful to lightly place your
right hand on your abdomen and your left hand on your rib cage to help direct
the breath on its journey.
Begin by practicing for one minute and then
gradually lengthen the practice to five minutes.
2. DO Something Physical that has results!
Like cleaning your room. Running down to the shop on an
errand. Try yoga, stretching, or other exercises. Letting your body do
something that uses the "fight or flight" adrenaline energy.
3. Look at your Diet
Dietary choices can provoke and increase
a sense of anxiety and
worry if you're lacking in healthy nutrients, have blood sugar swings, and
you're fuelling up on unhealthy foods most of the time. Caffeine and sugar are
culprits in fuelling your flight or fight responses.
4. Have a relaxing Bath or Shower
Immerse yourself in hot water to relax
muscular tension as soon as possible, even if this means doing it the moment
you step back through the door into your home.
5. Avoid the fear generators
People who push your buttons and put you
into fight and flight mode regularly should be avoided until you learn stronger
coping mechanisms. For some people, this may mean avoiding them long-term. All
the same, it may be unrealistic to avoid all fear generators, especially if
they're your boss or a family member, so practice very non-committal responses
when these people begin to create fear situations and quickly and politely
remove yourself from their sphere of influence. Don't explain yourself, just
simply make excuses to get going.
6. Use the 4 A’s
The four A’s are Avoid, Alter,
Adapt, Accept. Different stressors require different responses. Using these
techniques, depending on the situation, can really help you fight your fear
For example, if traffic
increases your fear levels because you're worried about time, accidents, and
noise, you can choose to Alter or Avoid this source of stress. Find an
alternate route to drive to work that decreases your chances of being involved
in traffic jams. Read How to cope with rush hour for
more details. Or, see if you can take public transportation or carpool to work
instead, and avoid that stress altogether.
If conflict provokes your fear
response, you can Alter how you handle it or Adapt to have different
expectations. Learn to reduce conflict by
managing it. Instead of avoiding it, find constructive ways to cope and to assert yourself around others. Always remember that you
don't have to provide explanations for excusing yourself or for standing up for
yourself. You do not have to tolerate abusive people or situations.
Some sources of stress you may
just need to Accept. For example, you can’t control how other people react to
stress. If a person in your workplace gets all flustered over missing a big
deadline and spreads that stress around your office, you can try to soothe her,
but you can’t control whether she changes her behaviour. You can look at this
situation as an opportunity for you to grow as a person, instead.
So has this cleared up a few things for you because
it definitely has for me! I am definitely going to try and do the pointers of
helping with the fight or flight increased adrenaline.
Yorkshire Pud xx
*Info taken from numerous Google sources mixed with my own thoughts and ideas on the subject.
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Hi my lovely reader just to say thanks for leaving a comment! I always love a good comment lets you know what your harping on about is the right stuff. You take care now you lovely person you xxx