Mini Primark Haul - £27.50 later....

Hey guys and gals,

Don't do many haul posts as I tend to buy a little (lot) often so feel like I do really have a need but what the hell I'm gonna bang on my blog every little bargain or treasure I find from now on. Totally got into the rut of thinking about what people want to read when I should be thinking what do I want to write about? What makes me happy?

Last week I took myself off to Meadowhall for a little mooch and went into Primark!! Absolutely lethal! A hormonal lady armed with a bank card and there's enough elastic in there to get me really excited. This time though it wasn't really for clothes, found myself in the home section and this is what I got......

1. Polka Dot Bag (Doing a course next week so this will come extremely in handy for my files) - £3.00

2. Cupcake Wooden Love Heart Plaque (For the kitchen) - SALE £1.00

3. Powder Room Metal Plaque (For the bathroom) - SALE £1.00

4. Magnetic Cupcake To-Do List (For the fridge and to sort my head out before I leave the door) - SALE £1.50

5. King Size Duvet Cover Set with Butterflies and Roses...very vintage (Well in need of new bedding constantly think I have some kind of strange addiction) - £13.00 Bargain!

6. Black Suede Ankle Boots (Officially the comfiest boots in the world now that the feet are starting to swell - I have some in leopard print and basically wearing them until they fall off my feet however you are a bit limited with what you can wear with a pattern) - £8.00

No baby stuff this time, got loads a lately will make sure I upload as soon as.
My days I love a bit of old shopping!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by...

Yorkshire Pud xx
