Would you like a Boy or a Girl? Can you answer that?!

Hey there,
Sorry for the lack of posts been up to my ears in getting my home disinfected!! Think I'm beginning to nest (About time too!) As this is my first child everything is completely new and things that you ask when you know someone, see someone, catch up with someone who's pregnant you tend to ask the same things the main one being 'Would you like a Boy or a Girl?' to which every new expectant mother generally says....'As long as it's healthy, I don't mind one bit' But deep down I'm sure there is a slight preference but should you say it out loud? For example...(Not me) A mother to be of a boy states that she wanted a girl does that mean she won't like her new little boy? Will others think you don't like your new little boy?? And vice versa. Does society except you as a good mother if you have a preference?
To be completely honest with you I am really not bothered what I'm having however I do want to know!!.....20 week scan on Wednesday 10th of July and I'm definitely finding out! (Will keep you posted)
So what's my preference? Right I'm going to be honest here.........There is no preference but if I had the choice (went round the houses a bit there!) I would have a boy as I'm a bit of a tom boy at heart and my perception is (And going from when I was a teenager) boys are much more easier to handle during those troublesome teenage years? Is that right as this is only my perception? Yes I would like to put a little girl in pretty dresses and bows in their hair but I'm thinking of the big picture! haha. Plus it's all girls on our side so a little boy would break the mould.

So guys what do you think? Is it ok to say what you prefer or is it better not to say when your having a baby?
Stay tuned for the result 10th July.


  1. How exciting! I can't wait to find out which one your having! I don't think it matters! I expect every new mum deep down will admit to having some sort of preference :)

    1. I can't wait either Claire. But still you can't say as a new mother exactly why you would prefer one or the other it's crazy. As long as it's healthy I really don't mind! xx

  2. I'm pregnant too and I hate this question, because I feel awful even thinking about an answer! We have a son already, so everyone assumes we're hoping for a girl - I hate that there's some kind of disappointment associated with having another boy, it's awful! I don't know or mind what I'm having yet, I have my 28wk scan in 2 weeks so I might find out then x

  3. Ah nice on congratulations!!! You feel in such a weird situation if you answer this question!haha. Ah let me know how you get on next week. xx


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