Starting the de-clutter - Lists lists lists! with little video #3

Right guys,

Here's where it's all going to start! Gonna start small and work my way up. That way it will be easier for me to keep on track and hopefully not fall off the wagon. To be fair I will complete my list in anyway I find easiest but no way on this great earth am I going straight in for the kill on my spare room! haha. Will try and post some tips and hints and craft projects as I go.

When going though each thing/item/room I'm going to ask myself the following and sort into de-cluttering categories....

1. Throw it? (No use for it? rubbish?)
2. Sell it? (eBay or carboot)
3. Keep it? (Find a home for it)
4. Is it useful? (Find a home for it)
5. Sentimental value? (Find a home for it)
6.Donate it? (Bag it and send it)
And if I'm really struggling!
7. Has it been used in the last 6-12 months? (No - Get rid!)
8. Did I know I even had it? (Missed it? NO)

Here goes........and here's why!


My Handbag
Bedside Table - Mine
Man Drawer in Kitchen
Stored Clothes
Jewellery Box
Nail Stuff
Craft Room
Our bedroom
Kitchen cook/bake drawer
DVD's & CD's
Living Room drawers
Christmas stuff
Cupboard under the kitchen sink
Bathroom Baskets
Toiletry cupboard in our bedroom (His and mine)
Cupboard full of spiders under the stairs.
My shoes
My Belts
The Garden
My Scarves
My Coats
Spare Bedroom Wardrobe plus facelift!
Dry foods cupboard
Bedroom drawers
Books (Which are all over the house!)
SPARE ROOM!! Can of worms!

If I've forgot anything then I'll add it at as I go.

It's time to Burn!

YP xx


  1. Oohhh I don't envy you, my spare room is like something out the back of a charity shop... really need to do this too but am awful, always end up finding things I haven't seen in ages and leaving things half organised! Good luck x


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