Sunbeds - Do or Dont?

Hey, I'm due to jet off soon to Portugal for 10 days and I can't contain my excitement a tell thee! But there's one thing that I really need help with......
I'm fair haired (Blondie) believe it or not as I am now dark with freckles galore the odd mole here and there and tend to turn a lovely shade of ruby when I'm away where I might have missed with the cream.

Here's the dilemma
One of my friends has suggested that I go on a sunbed a few times in the next couple of weeks only for a couple of minutes to get my skin 'ready' for the sun but I'm not sure? I've been on sunbeds when I was younger but now with all the bad press and criticism I'm really unsure whether or not this is a good idea??

What are your thoughts on this?

Thought I would put it out there for my lovely readers help and ideas.



  1. Being as fair as they come I stay well away from sunbeds - and would say the same to others, whatever their colour. If you want to be a little less pale before your hols Johnson's Holiday Skin works brilliantly for me because it's subtle and the skin shouldn't need preparing for the sun if you use SPF to keep you protected - which won't stop you getting a lovely tan while you're there. Have a fabulous holiday - jealous! x

    1. Hi chick sorry for the delay been away. Think your definitely right. going to give the fake tanning a whirl.
      Cheers again.

  2. I'm very pale usually and I do use the sun bed once a week a few weeks before I go on holiday. I go on for six minutes and I just find that it gives me a good base and it stops me from burning as much. But obviously its all personal opinion.

    At the minute I'm using Dove Summer Body moisturiser before I go away next Sunday and with one application you get so much colour! So maybe that's something to try instead of sun beds? :))

    Terri xo

    1. Thanks Terri for giving me your time to read my blog and for your advice. A few people have mentioned the Dove so think I might give it a whirl.


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