Things to make with....Fabric Scraps (Part 1)

Hi Dudes,
As most of you are aware I like to be a bit crafty now and then and I've realised that I end up throwing most of my waste away!!! What!!! I here you cry?? Yeah I know I have been known to throw stuff away that I could reuse which is really important for me NOT to do especially now with me being on maternity I really do need to change my name to Thrifty Pud!
So I thought I would go through my collection of material scraps that I get left over and see what things I could make with them hence the Part 1 bit....In fact I have got that many scraps I have decided to start selling some little packs off on in my eBay shop....If you need some please feel free to visit my eBAy Shop - YpudsVintage

So here goes.........YP's Random Patchwork Cushion

Take a couple of pieces of scrap fabric and line the edges together (If not a straight edge...trim) They don't have to be the same size at all. But make sure that the right sides are facing each other.Continue to do this until you get a nice line linked together of around 3 to 4 pieces (whatever sizes you want to use)
Continue to do this in runs of 3 or 4 pieces.....
Once you've got enough runs (needs to be bigger than what you want your cushion to be) then sew them all together making sure that you trim off the backs as close to the seams as possible.
Now to make the envelope back. For this you will need a larger piece of fabric and 2 pieces are needed. The first piece needs to be added from the bottom up and about two 3rds up your cushion you then need to fold back twice about 5cms thick and pin in place. This is your outer flap (Will be seen) (Please ignore the patchwork part this needs to be facing up - This is just to show you the trim on the back)
The second section needs to go from the top down about two 3rds up from the bottom do a double fold around again but around 1.5cms thick (This is your inner flap)
Once both parts are in place decide how large you want your cushion to be and pin the surround in place.
Sew around the edges with a straight running stitch to give you a neat edge once turned round and then a zig zag stitch just further out to hold together and to stop any fraying. Once all edges are sewn down turn partly inside out and straight stitch along your pinned folds to neaten off the edges on the envelope.
Once all excess cotton is removed turn the whole thing the right way round and iron. Your cushion cover is complete!
So what do you think? Easy peasey lemon squeezy? Yeah it's not too bad just takes a little patience and practice :)
If you need me and get stuck or need any help just give me a shout..

Thanks for taking the time to have a looksy!

